30 Interviews in 3 days..

Yes, it’s true. I spoke endlessly about myself (hard work), my new album ‘Smile’, the composers in my life and my lifestyle in 30 separate interviews. I almost needed a gurney after the first day with 16 interviews back to back but really appreciated the interviewers thoughtful questions and laughs we shared by the 30th. I also realized the importance of RADIO and how we rely so much on getting our entertainment and information through our local radio stations. Try and help support them!! They need our love!..I am now in Annapolis, Maryland playing the ridiculously gorgeous Barber Concerto. It’s so amazing to think Barber wrote this when he was 29 years old in 1939. People always ask me if I like the last movement after the lush, romantic 1st and 2nd movements. The answer is YES! The last movement is unlike anything else, very original, difficult (for me and the orchestra) and full of syncopated beats. Very cool…Okay, I think it’s time to go practice it….bye!


4 thoughts on “30 Interviews in 3 days..

  1. Andrew Sords 16 years ago

    That’s ridiculous…a marathon week of interviews! And they always wind up writing funny things about you!

    Heard great things about the Wheeling performance…

    Best of luck,

  2. dcwang 16 years ago

    where can I find the version for the sheet music for somewhere over the rainbow and smile? thanks!

    1. AAM 16 years ago

      Unfortunately, these works are not published and for copyright reasons, I am not allowed to
      copy and distribute them. Thank you for writing in!